Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What is Social Insecurity?

Social insecurity is when someone feels awkward in social situations. Usually this is caused by a further deep seated sense of insecurity about looks or ability. It leads to awkwardness in social situations, as well as self consciousness all of the time. It is an unpleasant thing to suffer from, and it leads many people to depression or feelings of inadequacy. If you suffer from social insecurity or you suspect that is what is causing your problems, you should seek help to get yourself back in good mental health. You will feel like a different person.

The first option is to simply try and break your fear of social situations. Be around people constantly. Go to the mall, to the movies, to dances and parties. Force yourself to interact with people, no matter how awkward you feel. With enough interaction, you may find that you are becoming very comfortable with approaching people and initiating conversation. Some cases of social insecurity are curable simply by breaking the problem through repetitive actions. However, sometimes it may be a deeper psychological issue.

Therefore if you don’t feel that you are improving, you should consider going to a therapist who will talk to you about your problem. He or she will have talked to other people with social insecurity, and read all the latest research and essays on what works and what doesn’t. Therefore if your therapist is good, you will be able to undergo exercises and routines that help you become more comfortable with social interaction in no time at all. The commitment is low, since at the most you will only have to come in for an hour or two per week.

The worst thing you can do is to ignore your problem and continue through life without talking to anyone. Humans are meant to be social people, and if you don’t ever talk about things with your fellow humans then you will end up being a very sad person. So get out there and talk to people, and discuss your problems with a therapist who knows how to deal with it. Once you are completely comfortable with social situations, you will find yourself a much happier person overall.

Insecurity: A Crippling Malady

If you are insecure with yourself, you are undergoing a mental problem that plagues a huge percentage of people. Insecurity is when you constantly think and worry about your own worth and your own capabilities. This includes social situations, if you somehow think that you don’t fit in with other people. Insecurity can cripple you in many situations, from social situations to job interviews. Insecurity can be caused by many things. If you suffer from it, you should examine yourself and figure out where it stems from. As soon as you realize that, you can take steps to make yourself better.

Insecurity often stems from ones upbringing. If you have lived in a very critical household in which people are constantly saying that you did a bad job or that you aren’t good enough, you will probably have some emotional issues leftover. This is a very frequent occurrence. Unfortunately you can’t go back in time and change your childhood, so you will have to cope. You can either deal with it until you build confidence naturally, or you can attempt to talk to a therapist and get advice as to how you can speed up the process.

You may also be insecure because of the people you surround yourself with. Maybe your friends are constantly mocking you or insulting what you do. This may seem like tough love, but it is very damaging. The solution to this is easy. Either find new friends, or tell your current ones how you feel about what they say to you. This isn’t always easy, but it is definitely necessary. If your friends are causing you to be insecure about yourself, then they are not worth hanging around. Don’t let them have a negative effect on you, whether they do it intentionally or not.

Usually if you just step back a bit and examine your life, you will be able to see where the negative energy is coming from. Something is making you be dissatisfied with yourself, and this is something that should not happen. Whether it is your job, your girlfriend, or your friends, you should do everything you can to either defuse the negative vibes, or completely remove them from your life. It may be hard to do at first, but once you are free from them, you will begin to feel like a new person.

Getting Rid of Feelings of Inadequacy

Feelings of inadequacy are experienced by many people across the world. This is when a person feels as if their personal worth is somehow lower than everyone else’s, or that they are unable to accomplish a given task due to incompetence. This is a crippling problem. Even if someone is perfectly capable of doing something, feelings of inadequacy will lead them to feel that they are not capable of doing it. So if you suffer from this, you should do everything you can to fix it. Even if the feelings are all in your head, it can still affect your actual performance in social situations and at work.

Talking to a professional could be the best move you can make. Professional psychiatrists have dealt with literally hundreds of people who are dealing with the same problems as you. You may be reluctant to pay a visit to one, but he or she could offer you advice that totally changes your outlook on life. Usually the sessions will be very short, and they will give you advice on how you can not only improve your life, but also the way you think about your life. It is an invaluable service to anyone suffering from feelings such as inadequacy.

If you don’t feel you have reached the point at which professional help is necessary yet, you can try to cure it yourself. It can work wonders to get involved with your community. If you are a student, join some clubs or start playing sports. Otherwise, start volunteering to help out at the food bank or the homeless shelter. If you spend your time working towards a noble cause and helping those less fortunate than you, you will feel that your life is being spent in a worthwhile manner. You can inquire at your city hall about what kinds of volunteer positions are available.

Usually a therapist will give you the same advice that you see here. The secret to getting rid of feelings of inadequacy is to do something with your life that you feel is worthwhile. Do you want to fight fires and save lives? Volunteer at your fire station. Do you want a job that is more involved with humans? Become a medical intern. You have many options open to you, and it is foolish to stick with the one that doesn’t seem to be working.

Emotional Insecurity and Its Many Dangers

Emotional insecurity is a feeling of general unease. This is felt by many people, and generally is the most harmful during the school years of a child. It can lean to either side of a dangerous spectrum. At one side you have the child gaining feelings of inferiority and inadequacy which can lead to depression later in life, and other major psychological issues. On the other side of the spectrum you have the children who bully the other children in acts to compensate for their own feelings of unease. Both of these are extremely dangerous for the health of a child, and should be helped at any chance.

If you see your child displaying the signs of emotional insecurity, you shouldn’t immediately jump up and take him to a therapist. First try to build his confidence on your own. Give compliments for a job well done, and praise wherever it is deserved. A good upbringing can give a child the personality he needs to deal with people. However, this may not always be enough. If your child is teased constantly at school, a few compliments at home will not be enough to save him from possible depression.

It may be embarrassing for the child, but you should see if you can eliminate the problem if it exists at school. Is there one kid who is bullying your child around more than any other? Talk with the teacher, the principal, or the parents of the other child. Don’t make a big deal of it, but make sure that teachers and parents are able to understand that the bullying is having a very negative and hurtful effect on your child’s personality. Try to get the bullying to stop, and maybe your child can start to feel like he has progressed.

Your last ditch effort should be therapy. While therapy has a huge amount of possible positive effects, it may make your child feel even more insecure, as though something is “wrong” with him. Therefore you should try everything you can on your own before resorting to it. But you should never sit and wait for the problem to resolve itself. It is a horrible thing for a child to grow up afraid of the world, and it is your responsibility to prevent that from happening.

How to Build Confidence over Time

Easily the most important characteristic for any human to have is that of confidence. If you are able to carry yourself with a strong air of confidence, you will be much more successful in life. This includes dating, jobs, and any other situations. By building your confidence, you can come off as an entirely different person with an air of authority. If you are naturally a very unconfident person, then it may seem impossible to gain the confidence you would like. But if you start small and continue to work your way up, you will eventually be able to become the person you want to be.

There are easier ways to build confidence than others. For example, one way to build confidence is to smile occasionally. This will help other members of a party, pedestrians walking about, and colleagues at work feel welcome. This will bring positive attention to you. When it becomes easier to please your crowd, confidence you will come naturally. Sometimes trying to build up confidence has its pros, and its cons.

The cons or negatives of building up confidence are mainly derived by the way you approach the scenario. If you are afraid, shy, or sad, it will be harder to feel more confident. Confidence can usually be broken down in a negative way by using the wrong word, or coming on too strongly. There are many ways to prevent such things, but for the most part, it will occur occasionally. But in some cases the confidence level are thought to be natural stages our bodies go through from time to time.

So what other causes might interfere with the confidence? Many people believe that low confidence levels are caused by malnutrition. Some believe that the body is in a state of mind where your can easily bring yourself down, which in some cases can bring others down as well. Many people believe this may be a natural occurrence in our bodies, but there are a vast amount of people who would disagree with the idea itself. But for those who believe it may be a problem, it can be easily prevented by eating healthy foods and drinking water. For those who want to change their confidence level there are simple steps to change them.